In Ukraine, about 60 companies have already joined charity fundraising for the people of the Middle Kingdom. The initiator was the Chinese Trade Association (CTA) in Ukraine.
Humanitarian aid is being actively collected since February 01. According to information received by the CTA from China, the items currently needed the most are disposable protective clothing, medical protective and surgical masks, respiratory masks (N95, 3M) and eye bandages. Some companies also provide financial donations.
At present, all interested persons and entities deliver humanitarian supplies to the warehouse complex of the ZAMMLER group of logistics companies, from where the goods are sent to the PRC.
According to ZAMMLER GROUP Air and Sea Freight Department Director Mr. Andrey Kryvorotov, “During the week of ongoing collection, over 100 pallets of cargo were delivered to us for storage. We accept goods for storage and arrange their optimal delivery to China. The shipment situation is complicated by the fact that air freight costs to China have increased dramatically. Whereas before the virus the cost of shipping to Beijing had been within $ 2-2.5 per kg, now some airlines charge as high as $ 5-5.5 per kg depending on the route”.
In China, the humanitarian supplies will be handed over to Chinese Red Cross officials. Currently, anyone can join the collection by contacting the office of the Chinese Trade Association.