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ZAMMLER UKRAINE LLC became a member of the Council of Exporters and Investors under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

The council numbers more than 300 companies and was created with the aim of diplomatic support for domestic exporters, expanding the geography of sales markets and ensuring industry diversification of domestic exports.

According to Viktor Shevchenko, CEO ZAMMLER GROUP and Chairman of the Export and Investment Support Committee at the Kiev Chamber of Commerce and Industry, REI is one of the few government agencies that does real business and helps businesses enter new markets.

“One of the current requests is that exporters do not need hundreds of companies and structures” to establish interaction. “You need one” entry point “, one organization where you can get all the necessary information – from export training to real working contacts. As far as I know, this mechanism works in REI, ” – Viktor Shevchenko noted.

The Council of Exporters and Investors under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, using the capabilities of foreign diplomatic institutions, provides assistance in promoting products abroad, finding partners, disseminating information about products of Ukrainian manufacturers. It also promotes the organization and participation in exhibitions and forums abroad, informing about the proposals of foreign companies, exhibitions, forums, business events and etc.

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